7th International Human Microbiome Consortium Meeting
Advantage were very excited to be involved in aiding the growth of awareness of such ground-breaking scientific research that is still in its relative infancy.

APC Microbiome Ireland had some previous experience in managing various smaller national meetings themselves but were very keen to engage the services of a PCO to ensure they could build upon the success of these events and fully develop an innovative and impactful conference.
We provided a full-service management solution for the event, starting with an initial planning meeting in UCC attended by 3 Advantage colleagues and the full complement of the local organising committee
We managed the venue, contracted 1,700 room nights with a total of 8 local hotels to manage accommodation blocks for both for delegates and speakers, and a full social programme which included a Welcome Reception on the lawn of the Brehon Hotel and a gala dinner in the main auditorium of the INEC. The proximity of the venue, accommodation and social programme was lauded many times for the convenience this offered. The management of the accommodation service in particular was critical to the success of the conference, as accommodation in Killarney in late June is at a premium.

We were very successful in procuring high-profile sponsors for the event from semi-state bodies such as Teagasc to industry leaders in this field. The total revenue from sponsorship, which ensured the financial success of the event, was €245,000.00. This ensured registration fees were kept relatively low and attracted a larger number of delegates. It worked particularly well with 728 delegates in attendance, an increase of over 45% on the previous edition in 2015.
Advantage Group also managed the travel, accommodation and associated costs for 56 invited international speakers and for 12 international student bursary recipients. In addition to those delivering plenary addresses there was also a very large poster presentation with 320 posters on display for the duration of the event that had been submitted for approval in advance via our abstract management system.
During the conference we also assisted in the planning and execution of the inaugural World Microbiome Day which took place on Wednesday 27thJune, 2018., which included a life size installation of the intestinal tract.
APC Microbiome Ireland hosted the 7th International Human Microbiome Consortium congress in June 2018 and welcomed over 700 delegates to Ireland. Our science team worked closely with Advantage Group, who provided expert and efficient assistance with all aspects of the conference organisation, including delegate registration, sponsorship, site management, early career bursaries, oral and poster abstracts, and budget management. I highly recommend Advantage for their professional approach, and unwavering eye for detail, as they played an integral role in the success of our international conference.