Hybrid & Virtual Events

ITIC 2021 Virtual Conference ‘Leading the Tourism Recovery’

Advantage won this event, “Leading the Tourism Recovery” for the Irish Tourism Industry Confederation (ITIC) through a competitive tender process and were appointed event partner on December 8th 2020.  The goal of this live broadcast to a virtual audience of tourism business professionals was to lead the tourism industry through and out of the current pandemic.

Virtual Educational Familiarisation Trips for international buyers

Advantage managed the execution of two virtual fam trips in partnership with Fáilte Ireland in December 2020. The virtual trips were targeting international meeting planners located in Germany and Spain, showcasing the best of Ireland’s MICE product. We designed, created and managed a unique, innovative, fun and inspirational itinerary for MICE buyers. These events were a huge success, with both German and Spanish buyers alike.

Virtual World Congress
Dublin 2021

ISRRT Virtual Home Screen

The ISRRT World Congress which was due to take place in Ireland in 2020 turned successfully virtual in 2021 with only a small studio element remaining in the Convention Centre Dublin.